I found this free poll at Meg Wilson's site. Do Ballard and Ronaldo qualify as two of the sexier players out there? Which of the World Cup players are sexier than these guys in your opinion?
There are over 700 players participating in the World Cup in Germany right now. I doubt a single one of them would qualify as overweight according to BMI standards. Apparently soccer players typically run or walk at least 8500 meters per game. That would enable them to eat a lot of food without getting fat. In fact, a recent study shows they typically don't eat as many carbohydrates as they should;
Soccer is a glycogen-dependent sport, making carbohydrate feedings repletion of critical importance. Therefore, the ability to sustain late-game running speed and goal-scoring and to avoid injuries are dependent on glycogen levels. Adequate dietary carbohydrate in the days and hours before strenuous training and competition is critical to maintaining adequate glycogen levels in the muscles. Similar to the detrimental effect of inadequate carbohydrate intake, even slight dehydration can be detrimental to impair performance in soccer, and sports drinks containing moderate amounts of carbohydrate and electrolytes, especially sodium, are better than plain water in maintaining hydration during soccer play and in rehydrating during recovery. Soccer players typically do not eat enough carbohydrate and begin soccer matches with less than optimal stores of muscle glycogen. Moreover, they usually do not drink enough fluids during practice and competition to adequately replace their sweat losses. Coaches and athletic trainers must continually reinforce the need for dietary carbohydrate and fluid replenishment, ensure that fluids are available on the sidelines, and, when possible, supervise the eating and drinking behavior of the players. All levels of play can benefit by following sound nutritional guidelines.
Update: Apparently Ronaldo is being accused of being overweight and out of shape for this World Cup now.