There are underlying reasons why we eat the wrong foods and don't exercise enough. And these are personal for each of us. If there was a wise guru out there that we could tap to answer this question; - what do I need to do to find this sustained motivation - than this guru would have a big line-up waiting to see him.
But here we have the next best thing ;-). It's a free oracle that's enjoyed huge respect and reverence for thousands of years. It's called the I Ching.
Here's how it works: Think of a question you would like answered. Be careful and honorable about what you ask. Respect the energies of the macrocosm. You've only got one chance to ask a particular question. The first answer will be the most appropriate one for you.
(Please don't play yet, finish reading the instructions first)
Write your question in the box above (or write it on a piece of paper). Make sure to take the time to actually write down the question. Trust me, you will want to know exactly what you asked when you are analyzing the answer.
Hit the black submit button.
If weight loss is your wish, ask a question that would somehow relate to finding the underlying key to getting unstuck with your motivation. One example would be, "How can I change my life to encourage weight loss?" Or, "What would help me be successful in my weight loss goal?"
Your answer will come up as a number (one of sixty-four hexagrams). Go to this page to get the full answer corresponding to the number. Print out the answer. It will be at least a page long. Study the answer and decipher what it means for you.
There is a second level to this answer based on 'lines'. There are six options. Roll a dice to see which one (in the order presented) is most applicable to you.
The I Ching
Was the answer significant for you? I would love to hear any comments below!