Lately I've been having apocalyptic thoughts about the future of the earth. I really think that due to global warming we may be in danger of living in an almost unbearable environment very soon.
So I need to start making a conscientious effort to reduce my personal impact on the overall deterioration of the Earth's environment.
I want to use our car as little as possible. I want to try walking instead for many of the trips I would normally consider jumping into the car. For longer trips and some family outings, I am going to suggest to my husband that we take the bus for some of these. Although we do very few of them as it is, I'm also going to be less keen to do these longer car outings this year.
I will try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. I'll focus more on buying local and organic produce that doesn't require long-distance freight, freezer facilities and lots of processing, chemicals and packaging.
I want to consume as little plastic as possible this year. I don't usually give much thought to the plastic bags I collect in my regular shopping rounds. I use the grocery plastic bags for my garbage bags, and with a toddler in diapers, I find I'm filling up about two plastic bags of garbage per day but it would be a small but significant step if I declined bags for all my small purchases. For example, I went to buy some makeup the other day and the cashier went to put it in a small plastic bag and I just said I didn't need it and put it in my pocket instead. It's such a small step but over the course of the year it must make a bit of an impact.
I want to cut down on plastic in other ways. I want to forego more of the take-out variety of foods that are served in plastic or plasticky containers. I eat very little take-out food as is, but I want to cut this down to almost zero. I do tend to buy take-out coffee in paper cups with plastic lids quite often. I want to cut that down significantly.
I will also try to use up less of the clear plastic bags that I buy my fruits and vegetables in. They should be reused and I will try doing that.
I'm feeling in the mood to reduce my consumption in general.
I've been buying most of my clothes in second hand shops for many years now. In the city where I live we are lucky to have an incredible selection with designer labels galore. There's no need to buy the clothes new, especially as I am forever hopeful I'll be reducing my size a couple of times this year.
As far as my child is concerned, I want to focus on buying only used toys for this year. He's too young to know the difference anyway and by the time he's older maybe he will agree with my sentiment. His third birthday will be in a couple of weeks. We want to get him a nice tricycle. Our city has some great used sporting goods places. There is no need to get him a brand-new one. Am I weird or what? I actually feel almost repulsed when I walk into a place such as Toys 'R Us and see all the plastic and all the chemical goop that is being sold by the ton every day.
I think that if I follow through on most of these ideas (especially the walking bit!) I will lose weight as a side bonus to helping keep the earth's environment habitable for a few more years.
I'd love to hear other ideas people have in this regard.
Happy New Year everyone!